Although it was a productive weekend full of workouts and freelance, yard work and cooking, my body is beat. Shortly after completing this post, I'll pack my swim bag and head to bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'll wonder, "why didn't I do this sooner?" and before I know it the alarm will jar me awake at 5am. Monday. The week will fly by; each day crammed full of a time-crunched mess: swim, work, eat, run, work, gym, more work, eat, sleep. Repeat x5.
Breathe. I never question why I do all this. What I do question is how I can do it all better. How can I perfect this schedule? How can I get it all in and feel complete and rested?
The only answer I find that works is: do what you can when you can. Make every workout count, if a freelance ad or design can be done before 10pm, do it so you can have more time the next evening to work on something else. Every ad is an opportunity to pay for this addiction called triathlon. Or just put myself in a better position to financially free myself from the ball and chain called debt.
I work to live, but living right now is different than living will be 4 months from now when my season is over. Instead of movies and drinks out with friends this weekend, I was enjoying a home cooked meal and working on freelance. Why? Big Picture; and I'm perfectly fine with it. I'm proud of myself for sticking with my plan and not caving in to peer pressure. It's the several little changes that add up over time - those are the changes that will make the difference this summer.
To cap the post tonight, I want to recognize my mom (as today is Mother's Day), for giving me the gentle pushes in life I've needed, for being the wind under my wings, for believing in me and telling me to believe in myself. If it weren't for the strong-willed determination that she and the women in my family have shown me, I wouldn't be the steadfast woman I am today.