That's easier said than done, b/c I'm sure the adrenaline will be pumping hard. My solution? Turn it into a game. See how many strokes I can take before the next buoy, take time putting shoes on while on the bike, same to take shoes off on the bike. Negative split the run, but not overextend. Enjoy the scenic Denver course. Sushi (maybe a little sake shot for good luck) the night before.
Yep. Sushi. Pre-race. That's my thing and sticking to it.
Tomorrow is Friday - my one day off completely - and I'm looking forward to it. I'll stretch, hydrate, work (unfortunately, b/c I haven't won the lotto yet), and relax. The plan for the rest of the summer is to continue to train through the first 2 races, taper minimally for the 3rd (Boulder Peak), use the 4th as a tune-up, and do a sharpening with full taper for Nationals. To do that well, Fridays off are mandatory, no question.
I've lost 10 pounds since I started on this quest (October 2011). Race-weight achieved. I think. The goal now is to continue to lean-down, build muscle, and start really watching the alcohol and food in-take. I've already limited a lot, the next couple months will be crunch-time, but the benefits are well-worth it. Cut out the extra glass of wine to shave a minute? Absolutely. Lose the bowl of frozen yogurt once a week to shave a fat ounce? Yes.
Am I still having fun? You bet your butt. Aches, sweat, chlorine, sunscreen and all.
It's a balance; a life lesson I learn again everyday. It's also a lifestyle change, but a good one: Eating healthier, getting more sleep, exercising (pretty intensely, but smartly too). It's about setting goals and reaching to achieve them. It's about making small sacrifices to meet a bigger better end. And of course, it's about enjoying life and seeing what this body can really do.
Don't worry mom, I'm taking my iron, still drink at least a glass of milk everyday (not at the same time as my iron), get to bed at a reasonable time, and most importantly: moisturize.