Thursday, February 7, 2013

Vitality and Perseverance

There is a corporate wellness program though Humana (insurance company) that we have in place at work which I have been a very active participant in for over a year now. The program is Humana Vitality and about 1/2 way through last year, I made it to the top level. I achieved that mostly by training and racing for triathlon, but in order to make it to the top, I had to focus on complete well-being and not just athletics. For the first time in a while, I was looking at other ways to be healthy besides exercising. 

Part of the system of earning Vitality Points includes biometrics testing (cholesterol, BMI, Body Fat %...) I have kept track of those numbers for a couple years now and am proud to report that just this past week, I have never seen them healthier. 

Another part of Vitality is a "Risk Assessment" - answering questions about your general well-being, i.e.: how many fruits and veggies do you eat a day, alcoholic beverages, do you smoke? Like many people, my fruits and veggies answer was less than par. However it gave me a new life goal - and a healthy one at that. 

While I continue to persevere through early season and marathon training, Vitality is racking up my workouts and everyday I step that much closer to my goals.

In reflection of this past year, and in looking forward to the future season, I am not only excited to once again aim for that top level of Vitality, but also to improving my overall health- not just my fitness. I believe my training and racing can only benefit from it, not to mention also earning points to spend on items in the Vitality Mall - just another perk of leading a healthier life.

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